*** English Version Down Below! ***
もうすぐサマー ワークショップが始まります!
・ポーリング アート
・ストップ モーションアニメーション
・ジェル キャンドル作り
・テクスチャ ペインティング
・ネオン ペインティング
5 つのワークショップがあります。
ポーリング アート

ポーリング ペイントが乾いたら、生徒はペイント ペンで色を塗ったり、目、模様、服などの特徴を追加したりして、自分の作品を好きなように装飾できます。
ストップ モーション アニメーション クラス

生徒は乾燥しないモデリング クレイを使用して、好きなデザイン、風景、キャラクターを作成します。
ストップ モーションとは
このクラスでは、シーン全体、または 1 つの動く要素だけを作ることで、生徒は自由に創造性を発揮できます。このクラスに参加したい方は、クラスに来る前に何を作りたいか考えてくるとより作成時間が多くなるためおすすめです。


これまで使用したことのない新しいツール、テクニック、オブジェクトを試して、絵画に望むタイプのテクスチャと感覚を作成できます。通常、Gem Eggでは抽象的な作品を作ることはあまりないので、これは実験的なアートに没頭する良い機会です。

It’s nearly time for our summer workshops to begin! We have five different workshops including:
Pouring Art
Stop Motion Animation
Gel Candle Making
Texture Painting
Neon Painting
Let me tell you a little more about each…
In the pouring art workshop we will choose the paint colours we like, combine them with a pouring medium, then pour it on our bear statue while we learn various techniques and add personalized details! Once the pouring paint has dried, students are able to decorate their creation any way they see fit, such as colouring on it with paint pens, adding features like eyes, patterns, clothes, etc.
In the stop motion animation workshop, students will be using non-drying modeling clay to make whatever design, scenery, or characters they like. Stop motion is the art of taking many photos of something and moving the subject and surrounding little by little. Once you put all the photos together and watch them sped up, it looks like a short video! Students can feel the freedom to be extra creative in this class by making a whole scene, or even just a single moving element. Those who want to join this class, please think carefully about what you would like to make before coming to class as it would be best to put all of your time into the creation of these clay figurines, and taking each photo carefully to make your original video.
For the gel candle workshop, most of the time will be spent preparing your perfect design and learning about gel candles! We will create these candles in layers so that the things we decide to decorate them with, look as if they are floating. You can make various designs from a garden scene, to an ocean floor, or mix in whatever objects and decorations that you like to make your original candle.
In the texture painting workshop, we are allowed to experiment with new tools that haven’t been used before, as well as practicing techniques and adding objects in, to create the type of texture and feeling we want in our painting. Usually at Gem Egg, we don’t often experience making abstract creations, so this will be a good chance to get elbow deep in some experimental art.
Last but not least, we have our neon painting workshop. Imported from abroad, these special paints can be charged by a UV light machine or even sunlight! We will create various designs keeping in mind the theme of space as we paint onto black paper. Once these paintings are completed, we want to be able to view them and imagine viewing the night sky.
We hope you join us for these special event workshops and make many arts and crafts that you can enjoy forever at home!
Keep crafting! :)